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Captain's Log - The Search Epilogue

Posted on Sun Nov 24th, 2024 @ 1:18am by Captain Mikoto Misaka

273 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: The Search

Captain's Log.

The Ermiana and the Bismarck have returned to Federation space. It took two days to locate and retrieve the Bismarck crew. We have treated any wounded and assisted in repairs to the Bismarck. There are still a lot of unanswered questions, however I don't believe I am going to get those answers.

According to Captain Edasaki's report the Maquis used the Bismarck to capture a Cardassian Warship. It would seem that was their intention all along and they needed a ship powerful enough to do so and to lire such a ship to them. I don't understand why the Maquis would want to do this. In my eyes they are still terrorists and need to be dealt with.

I will admit, the Maquis in possession of such a ship worries me. Even though Cardassian technology is not as advanced as Starfleets it still poses a large and dangerous threat to both of us. However it is now not the problem of The Fedeation, the Cardassians will have to reclaim their own stolen property.

As for the Ermiana. We have set course for Starbase 375. I have a full debriefing with Starfleet Command to look forward to once we reach the starbase. It was also give us the opportunity for a couple of days downtime. This crew have worked hard out in the Badlands and even if it didn't go fully to plan, we still achieved our goals of retrieving the Bismarck and her crew.

I look forward to actually having a few days to breathe easily and relax a little. Who knows what the galaxy will throw at us next.

End Log.


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