
The Search

Post Count: 207

The USS Ermiana is dispatched to Deep Space Nine, its mission is a sensitive issue. The Ship be venturing into the Badlands to search for the USS Bismarck which has been hijacked by the Maquis. With reports of the Bismarck attacking Cardassian ships, and the threat of war looming, Starfleet want the ship either retrieved or destroyed.

Part of 2371

Atlantic Trouble

Post Count: 0

The senior staff of the Ermiana are invited for a day's R&R on the holodeck with Captain Misaka. A new program promises them a good time and some cultural education on Earth's Atlantic Ocean. The crew will be boarding either as officers or passengers aboard the famous Steamship RMS Olympic in 1911 and setting sail from Portsmouth England to New York in the United States. However, problems arise when a glitch causes the Olympic to replaced by her younger ill-fated sister, the RMS Titanic on the night of April 14th 1912, moments before she meets her demise from am iceberg. Can the Ermiana crew survive one if the biggest maritime disasters in Human history?

Part of 2371


Post Count: 0

With the looming threat from The Dominion from the Gamma Quadrant, Starfleet recognises the need to arm Deep Space Nine. If an intial invasion of Federation Space happens, the first line of defence would be the station and Bajor. However for the last three years the station has only been lightly armed and predictions show it will be over-run within two hours, not enough time for reinforcements to arrive.

Therefore the Ermiana is ordered to Starbase 375 which is approximately twenty five lightyears away from Bajor. The Ermiana will be taking aboard five thousand torpedoes, phaser arrays and torpedo launchers to transport them to the station, arming it for a potential invasion from The Dominion.

However, when the Cardassians discover the Ermiana and accuse them of arming the Maquis they blockade the ship, not allowing them to pass unless they surrender the weapons.

Part of 2371


Post Count: 0

The Star in the Aeris System is showing some unusual activity which has never been seen before. The scientists at the Aeris colony predict that the star is going to let off a massive solar eruption which could last several hours. However there is a problem. The Aeris colony is directly in the predicted path of the eruption, and the power is enough to scorch the planet and potentially burn off the atmosphere.

The USS Ermiana is therefore dispatched to the Aeris system. Captain Misaka and her crew need to find a way to protect the colony and the thirty thousand lives that reside there.

Part of 2371

New Beginnings

Post Count: 42

Early 2371, the USS Ermiana sits at Utopia Planetia in dry dock awaiting her new crew. A newly promoted Captain Mikoto Misaka is due to take command. She also has to choose her senior staff and launch Starfleets Newest Galaxy Class Starship.

Part of 2371

Cleaning Up

Post Count: 100

The USS Ermiana a brand new Galaxy Class Starship is launched from the Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards orbiting Mars under command of the newly promoted Captain Mikoto Misaka. The Ermiana is the second ship in the fleet to be brought to the same Specifications of the USS Enterprise D which was recently refitted.

The Ermiana is dispatched to the Veridian system, where only a couple of weeks ago the USS Enterprise D was destroyed by a Rogue Klingon Bird of Prey. The ships mission is to remove all classified and sensitive Starfleet technology from the crashed saucer section of the Enterprise which lays on the surface of Veridian 3. This includes all computer, weapon and scientific technology to prevent it from falling into the hands of any enemies of the Federation such as the Romulans or the recently encountered Dominion.

The Ermiana will be transporting several teams of Starfleet Corps of Engineers to the crash site to begin the removal of the technology while ensuring security for them to work. Several other civilian contractor ships will also be in the area assisting with the removal of the wreck of the Enterprise.

Part of 2371

The Polar Express

Post Count: 0


Its Christmas Eve on the Starship Ermiana. The ships children are all tucked up fast asleep in bed, many of them excited for the special terran holiday known as 'Christmas'. A day of love, joy, gift giving, sharing and being with loved ones. A day in which all children on Earth enjoy.

However what they don't know is that Captain Misaka, will take them on a journey to the North Pole aboard the Polar Express to see Santa Clause, or Saint Nicholas. Welcome aboard The Polar Express.