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Line in the Sand (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 11:59pm by Captain Banri Edasaki & Lieutenant Commander Lurath, Son of Grogori
Edited on on Fri Jul 12th, 2024 @ 12:00am

1,319 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Search
Location: U.S.S. Bismarck Bridge

Gul Dorvon sat in the center seat of his bridge. The command seat was raised higher than everyone else, it boasted superiority to underlings. The Gul smirked as his Galor Class cruiser approached the USS Bismarck which they had found adrift.

"I want soldiers ready to board that ship." He said. "Take back our man, execute everyone else," he ordered.

[USS Bismarck]

The Bismarck shook as it took a direct hit from the Cardassian cruisers forward spiral phaser.

The bridge was frantic as everyone remained at their posts, despite the attacks from the Galor Cruiser. With each shot their anxiousness grew higher and higher. Most of them couldn't believe they were siting there and taking shots from a Cardassian ship, watching as their shields diminished slowly. However, the majority of them could all agree that it was even more of a shock they were doing this at the word of a Cardassian who was insisting that he was helping them.

"This is insane!" The tactical officer shouted as he move from his console to the Maqui Captain. "John, this is nuts. We're sitting here, taking fire from a Galor Cruiser, at the word of a spoon-head! Let's toss his ass out the airlock and wreck their ship like the last one?" As the ship shook again, he gripped onto the arm chair of the Commander's Chair. "Me and my guys will drag him there personally if you stop this craziness and fire back!"

"We stick to the plan!" John shot back. "If you don't like it, then get off the bridge!"

Zodrac remained at the Ops post, two officers with phasers over his shoulder doing their best to hold on, as he worked at the console tapping in codes code after code. He could feel the weapons pointed at him, but that wasn't what bothered him. It was surprising normal considering his line of work, but what was getting to him was getting through the network in the middle of a battle. His primary idea was to locate a Galor Class ship and approach it covertly while he placed in the codes. Obviously, he was outvoted. The Maquis, in their infinite wisdom, decided to place themselves in the open and allow the ship to approach and leave him with all the work.

He looked over to Captain Edasaki, who remained at his side to help him, before letting out a frustrated sigh and whispering to her. "How have these people remained alive this long?! If they listened to me, they would have gotten this ship quickly and quietly. Instead they decide to sit out in the open and allow this ship to take shots at them while I work to enter in a code into a system that is constantly adjusting because its compensating for every assault."

"They're desperate." Banri replied. "It leads people to do things they wouldn't usually even dream of doing. I agree, it's not the smartest move. But the Maquis do seem to excel at fighting." She told him.

"I humbly disagree." Zodrac replied, an almost insulted tone, as he stared firmly at Banri. "The only thing they excel at is breaking their own rules and morals. When they are standing above their enemy they boast and prattle on about how noble their cause is and how honorable their intentions are, but when they are being beaten and bruise that moral high ground goes right out the window." He gestured to some of the Maquis gathered on the bridge. "I have witnessed the carnage they can wreck on their enemies when that desperation kicks in. Storming weapons depots and taking the biggest and most destructive weapons turning it on planets that, yes hold soldiers and manufacturing facilities, but also innocent people. These former Starfleet Officers throw away everything that the Federation stands because they feel justified."

He let out a laugh, almost sounding more Cardassian than normal, as he looked back to his console and continued. "To think, this Maquis group began to help the Bajorans when the Federation couldn't choose a side because either choice would bring war to their doorstep. And now, those same officers? Are no better than the people they fight. A Starfleet Officer would look for a diplomatic and tactical way to ease the battle in their favor and prevent major lose. These people, whom you seem to admire who excel at fighting, place themselves in the line of fire so they feel justified in firing back and destroying their opponent. That's not tactical, but it sure is desperate, as long as the ends justify your means." Zodrac stopped for a moment, looking to the console firmly, before turning to Banri. "That is why, in order to save lives, someone must draw a line in the sand. So... that's what I plan on doing."

Banri looked at Zodrac speechless, she wasn't really sure how to respond to that. Instead she broke her gaze and looked down at the deck. In many ways he was right, this was all due to failures on both sides.

Zodrac finally tapped on a button on the console as systems on the Bismarck began to flicker and lock. The weapons shut down, however the shields remained up. At the same time, the Cardassian Galor Cruiser stopped firing, its own systems locking up. The two ships remained floating in the voice of space. A stare down of both crews.

One of the Maquis shouted. "Systems are locked! We can't fire back if they start shooting again!"

The Tactical Officer rushed over to his primary console and tapped on it. "Nothing is responding. The only thing working is shields and they are minimal at best." His eyes looked up as he locked eyes with Zodrac. "He did this! We're sitting ducks now!" The tactical officer made his way to Zodrac and Banri. "You did this didn't you! I knew we shouldn't have given him access to a console. He's playing us. He's setting us up to be taken by the Spoon Heads." As the officer came to a stop he pulled his phaser, which forced Zodrac to step in front of Captain Banri.

John turned at stared daggers at Zodrac. "What did you do?!" He demanded his hand hovering over his phaser attached to his belt, ready to draw it if needed.

"I drew a line in the sand." Zodrac shouted back defiantly.

"What the hell does that mean?!" The Tactical Officer asked as he aimed his weapon at him.

"I promised you a ship... not a body count." Zodrac replied, holding his hands out to show he was still unarmed. "You want that Cruiser? I have conditions." He looked over to the main view screen that still showed the Galor Cruiser. "I'd act fast." He looked back to the others on the bridge. "If they get their systems up before you... no one will survive."

The Tactical Officer took a step forward and held his weapon closer to Zodrac's face. "To hell with that Cruiser, John. We've been making headway just fine with this ship. Let's blow that Cardy Ship to hell and move on."

"Have fun doing that with your systems the way they are. The only thing working is shields and, at this rate, there is no telling when those will fall." Zodrac shrugged. "A lot of good you'll cause will be when you're all dead in space."

"You'll be dead too."

"At least I will have died as a Starfleet Officer and not a terrorist." He looked around the bridge at everyone. "Did you all forget what that's like? Being a Starfleet Officer? Standing up for those who can't stand up for themselves. Discovering new worlds and new races. Bringing others worlds together through peace and diplomacy. Not war."

"We didn't start this war..."

To be continued...


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