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Fri Dec 6th, 2024 @ 9:50pm

Lieutenant JG Kenneth Hunt

Name Kenneth Hunt

Position Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24
Date of Birth January 6, 2347
Place of Birth Houston, TX; Earth
Sexuality Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 185
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description In great physical condition, works out quite a bit.


Relationship Status Single
Father Ernest Hunt
Mother Karen Hunt

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Early in Kenneth Hunt's is definitely a bit cocky. His skills and abilities have got him far, but there is still much for him to learn. 
Ambitions To one day working up to having his own command.
Hobbies & Interests Judo, Basketball, Dom-jok, Weapons and Studying the latest tactical and intel developments

Personal History Kenneth was born to two college Professors Ernest and Karen Hunt. Even at a young age his parents saw the potential and drive that Kenneth wanted to be part of Starfleet. The Hunt family had served in Starfleet since the founding of the United Federation of Planets. His father and Uncles had then exception. So, when he applied and was quickly accepted that was no surprise to them. Throughout his Academy years, Kenneth maintained a high GPA and focused his studies in the security/tactical field. But deep down his main goal was to one day command a ship of his own. In the Academy he took on many leadership roles and led many organizations. This in turn made him likeable, but also a bit cocky regarding how things came easy for him to achieve.

Upon graduating 9th in his class, Hunt was assigned to the USS Alabama to serve as a Security/Tactical Officer Quickly impressing his Chief, Kenneth found himself qualifying for a promotion earlier than expected and recommended for the Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer position on the USS Alamo.  On the Alamo he found himself with a Chief of Security who operated very differently then himself.  The man was extremely cautious and disagreed with Kenneth's ways of jumping in headfirst.  The two butted head for his first few weeks on the job, but after a long conversation one day with the Chief, Hunt decided to try in cooperating the Chief's line of thinking in order to make himself a better officer.  

The Lieutenant carried on duties and impressed the senior staff with his professionalism and creative solutions on away missions. But in 2371, the USS Alamo was in a battle with a Romulan warbird and after winning the battle found itself badly damaged needing to be towed back to the Utopia Planetia Shipyards.  It was during this time, it was reported that the ship would need a minimum of six months for repairs.  At this time most of the crew were reassigned.  With there being a need for an Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer aboard the Ermiana, Kenneth was immediately reassigned to this new positing.  Before arriving to the Ermiana, Hunt was sent to Starfleet Academy for a few weeks to begin courses on the first part to achieving Advanced Tactical Training.
Service Record 2365-2369 - Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2369-2369 - Ensign, USS Alabama; Security/Tactical Officer
2369-2371 - Ltjg., USS Alamo; Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
2371-PRES - Ltjg., USS Ermiana; Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer