Ensign Tifang Strongheart (clan)

Name Tifang Strongheart (clan)

Position Yeoman

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Catian
Age 25
Place of Birth Capitol Catian Homeworld
Sexuality Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 3"
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Tifang is a curvy Demure example of the Catian Race in general, being the 'Runt' of her litter of five, she had the largest fangs of the bunch. Looking like a Saber-Toothed Leopard until adolescence when her face caught up to her fangs. Morelikely to grin than a full toothy smile; there by seeming to bare her fangs, she is friendly in her expressions. Her fur is kitten like soft and shines from her care of her body.

Favoring the Skirted Uniform and ankle boots for her more unique Catian Legs; she fins the slacks and especially the protective clothing 'Restrictive and chaffing at times. her Tail is the most restricted part of her and demanding the most adaptations and concessions.

Tifang is also one to 'Clean-up well' when required, preferring more long gown in formal attire over the tight and more Sensual, she has a level of decorum she projects when needed. More than a few Diplomats have seen Tifang as a Plus One in Diplomatic events. She has a natural poise and has taken training to be a "Lady of Distinction' in forma events.


Partner Donovan MacNally
Relationship Status In a Relationship
Children NONE
Father Blood Claw
Mother Sparkling Eye
Brother(s) Darkclaw (older Brother)
Lovable (Younger Brother)
Sister(s) Feisty (Older Sister
Silken (Youngest, Sister)
Other Family Dragon Claw (Uncle who is in Fleet, Commadore)
Majestic (Aunt)
Might Roar (Grandfather (Head of Clan)
Moon Eyes (Grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tifang would have been named "Tiny One had she not been born with the Longest Fangs of her Litter, in Catian tradition the most outstanding physical trait are honored among the pack. Having the biggest fangs; even over her Eldest Brother who was named after his unique Larger Claws of the litter, her parents named her 'Tifang' Shortened from Tiny with Fangs.

Being considered the Runt of the Litter in size ; her siblings all grew larger than her, she had to be more forceful in getting her share. One might say she was a 'Scrappy' kitten who used her fangs and claws to get her share of her Mother's milk. Honored in her clan as one of he two with Physical Prowess, Tifang had to learn combat to uphold the pack name in competitions or family disputes.

This carried over in her life as aq driving force both mentally as well as physically. Never one to back down from qa fight she also had to bout being called racial slurs as her fangs showed until her body caught up and she often defended her honor by trouncing any ill words publicly. Privately her mother soothed her hurt feelings about being 'different' most Catians with Physical attributes had the larger size to compensate the Blessing of Birth. Tifang was not an aggressive persona, it is her not wanting to be looked down upon that sparked her more 'Scrappy' nature. It also helped her excell in what she did in life to prove she is not a 'Runt' by any standards one would like to voice in her direction.

Tifang has a not so secret; once she lets her guard down, soft cuddly side; she exibits kindness in unexpected ways. Once besting a female challenger twice her size in a Blood Duel, but rather than marring the loser with a claw mark or bite, Tifang spat on her detesting the femal as not even worh dirtying her manicured claws.

Quite a duality to her Honor above all tempered with extreme kindness of heart.
Strengths & Weaknesses Confidant Persona and a way of thinking outside the normal 'box' is a fine trait for Tifang as a rule, but what holds this back is a rooted shyness about her Fangs. The years of being teased has not been totally glazed over as yet. She is intelligent but not one to show off. She likes being part of a pack mentality so integrates well to a team or crew. She is outgoing to a degree and with friends very open and almost cuddly. When she favors someone she is not ashamed of very Public Displays of Affection. She is very skilled with energy weapons as well as Melee weapons.

More of her 'Less than stellar traits' can be her temper when pushed, she is a tigress when she is in the right or believes so. She has no tolerance for 'Tomcat' type males who think hey are all that, be it romantically or professionally. She can be overly impulsive when she protects those she must, and lashes out if someone 'Paws her when she does not like it. Her 'Aloof and very Catlike nature is not always accepted well.
Ambitions To be a part of the protection detail for Federation Secret Service.
Hobbies & Interests Clibing/ repelling
Catan form of Tiger Style Tai Chi.
hunting/ camping
Puzzels and Cryptic studies.
Thrown and melee weapons.
Campfire stories she sometimes makes upp at time.

Cat style cosplay.

Hovercycle and Motorcycle racing (Track/Off-road.
Skilled shuttle pilot

Holodeck Jungle heroine 'Jaguara' on Holodeck.

Personal History Tifang is the perverbial Middle Child and cursed as being the Runt of the litter. Though Fate did give her one aspect in her favor, she bore the largest Fangs of her brood. The Fangs and claws are significant among the Catian Clans, noteworthy in the naming of children. Being the Tiny one but with the largest Fangs, she was named as Tiny Fangs which was shortened to Tifang.

Until her adolence when her race caught up to her Fangs she resembled a Saber toothed type of Catian, amongst ridicule of her peers at being small, a Fiesty streak formed in Tifang and she became a 'Scrapper' in many fights and losing more than victory.

Her Uncle took Tifang aside and helped the curling to more control her temper and with a more level head her Martial Training became a weapon. She learned that her lmind is her best weapon, thus, she would study her opponents and play their weakness, biding time with stick and move tactics to evade and study her enemy.

Scholastically is among the only areas Tifang was judged evenly, her physical did not hinder her. She used her intelect and studied to place always in the top 7%.

Hunting is one of her aptitudes and served her well as upon graduation a Career in Fleet would get her out and about so she joined as Marine, again her chances were more slim but an instinct and tenacious nature served her well. Earning a place on Marine Recon, an elite posting, the first males to challenge her had her by bulk and size, her evasion tactics made her appear scared, but that one opening, mostly the torso or gut, would bring a full spring kick with both legs and moment to score. Also leg sweeps the attack, her tactics were effective.

Just as they put her in the field her Suze allow her to fade into smaller profiles and hide easier. Counter insertion her specialty. Attack the enemy when she deemed best, waiting them out if needed. Playing sniper if her team in trouble, every Marine is a Rifle expert, she remained hidden and aggressive in combat.

Her one downfall is the chafing nature of the combat armor, even the lighter scout duty irritated her tail, off duty or out of combat she opted the Skirted uniform for ease of leg movements.

Being little and 'less intimidating' along with her intellect she had the Administrative duties out of Field work. Very adapt Tifang kept the Command chain updated and form filed in an orderly basis.

Insistence upon standard BTU uniform made Tifang agitated physically, she felt the uniform was confining and she would opt for a skirt with bloomers and bare legs that allow her agility. The Commanding Officer did not like the skirt option on a female in his company; a distraction to the men. It escalated to Tifang raising cultural and physical reasons to back her claim. The Code of Military Conduct allowed for the adaptated uniform, the CO pushed for insubordination charges and Tifang decided to accept a transfer away to another unit. This time she became Security.

Becoming a shift lead she took control and tried to run her department efficiently, she had the administrative tasks down pat; it was in her being on patrols and other operations the other members of Security found fault with her. Seeing her more as a Boos who delegates physical tasks rather than taking her portion upon herself. They did not trust her on the USS Wasp at first, the male population especially did not trust Tifang as an equal who had earned her place but one who had used system to get there.

One time the largest of the Security Personnel had too much of the real stuff on a station during R&R and was arrested. Tifang had to collect him with one other officer per procedure. While taking him back the Security Man decided he would not do as the 'Pipsqueak' ordered and took a punch. Tifang had enough and since they were on station she fought by street rules and won, but his injuries were put down under the fight in the bar. Tifang sought a transfer.

A new program was beginning where Security Personnel double as protectors of Diplomats and Arm Candy to have the Protector close. Tifang was exceptional in this job as an Exotic Catian but also her lack of intimidation did not give away her function. More than once she was able to quietly 'convince ' an aggessor by placement of claws but not fully extended, the mistake of aggression in her direction.

The specialize wing for being a protector of Fleet Officers came open, Tifang drew a female Captain for her charge.