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Mon Jun 10th, 2024 @ 3:33am

Lieutenant JG Kromal Ezazzan

Name Kromal Gamal Ezazzan

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Gorn
Age 22
Date of Birth 09/08/2349
Place of Birth Clan Ezazzan Sanctuary; Planet Skoleos
Sexuality Bi-Sexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'5"
Weight 220 lbs
Hair Color N/A
Eye Color Gold
Physical Description Kromal stands at around six feet and five inches, with a scale coloration of dark green that has slight variations of hues across the body. He has a tail that extends a few feet to the rear to provide stability, with digitigrade legs reminiscent of his reptilian kin. Both hands and feet have claws at the tips, with his fingers being able to manipulate objects despite the claws and grants him extreme dexterity with the movement. His iris is a sharp gold color and his scales are reminiscent of crocodilians, with a harder hide and softer underbelly.


Partner Essanbet Eradaar Ezazzan
Relationship Status Married
Children Tharr Ghlin Ezazzan (Son); Fraszan Lazsandas Ezazzan (Son); Teerith Kracees Ezazzan (Son); Eradaar Ezazzan (daughter); Eseekan Morsidrees Ezazzan (daugter)
Father Erahlik Ghlin Ezazzan
Mother Sreed Ezazzan
Brother(s) S'taand Tharr Ezazzan; Zrath Ezazzan; Lazsandas Ghlin Ezazzan
Sister(s) Slalis Tharr Ezazzan; Netar Ghlin Ezazzan
Other Family Teecus Tharr Ezazzan (Grandfather); Morsidrees Ghlin Ezazzan (Grandmother);

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kromal Gamal Ezazzan was born in late 2349 in a clutch of seven to father Erahlik Ghlin Ezazzan and mother Sreed Ezazzan at the Clan Ezazzan Sanctuary on the planet Skoleos. He was the chosen of his clutch to uphold the Clan Ezazzan tradition of representing the Clan to Starfleet and the Federation. As a result, his early years were spent in preparation for his expected role in Starfleet service. His father, Erahlik, took personal responsibility in tutoring his son both in starship engineering basics as well as logistics operations. His mother, Sreed, took the role as teacher and instructed Kromal on both Gorn and Federation history.

In early 2359 his Grandfather, Teecus, took over tutoring to prepare the young Kromal for service on his first starship. By the celebration of his 10th hatchday in September of 2359, Kromal had been assigned to the USS Teeleus an old Antares-class Civilian Freighter captained by Teeleus that was still in operation in the Ezazzan Trade Authority. Assigned as Engineer Recruit, Kromal gained insurmountable experience on both starship maintenance and procedures for repairing critical systems. This was also where he would meet his future wife and mate, Essanbet Eradaar Mothis, and the two would become inseparable as close friends.

By mid-2362 at the age of 13, Kromal had excelled at his studies as an engineering recruit and was handed off from his Grandfather back to his Father. Reassigned to the USS Sobus, one of two modern Edward-class Freighters in service by the Ezazzan Trade Authority and captained by his father, Kromal was assigned as Operations Officer and instructed on the complexities and intricacies of logistics and starship operations. At the start of 2363, Kromal had excelled at his position and studies and was beginning cross training in starship security procedures and protocols.

During his service on the USS Sobus for his Clans interstellar business, Kromal and Essanbet would finally become engaged in 2364. Clan Ezazzan and Clan Mothis would come to an agreement and approve the marriage, solidifying the cooperation of the two clans and permanently attaching Clan Mothis to the Ezazzan name. Both Essanbet and Kromal would spend significant time with one another and eventually serve together on board the Sobus. However whereas Essanbet was destined to support Clan Ezazzan on board their starships, Kromals destiny lay elsewhere.

By 2365, Kromal had applied and was accepted for Starfleet Academy. Entering the academy with an intended major of Operations and minor in both engineering and security, Kromal would dedicate most of his time to his studies while he spent the remainder by both visiting his mate and keeping in contact with her. Kromal excelled in his studies and maintained the honor of his Clan and expected position as Clan representative, graduating Starfleet Academy in early 2369 at the age of 20. Kromal graduated as Ensign, Operations Division, and was assigned to the USS Hera (NCC-62006), a Nebula-class Starship, as Operations Officer.

In late 2369, Kromal had excelled in his position enough to warrant promotion. Most of the USS Hera's crew was predominately Vulcan and the promotion itself was briefly disputed on the grounds of possible discrimination by Clan Ezazzan. However after a brief letter of recommendation with an explanation from the ships Executive and Commanding Officer, the matter was considered resolved by both Clan Ezazzan and Starfleet. Kromal was promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade, and reassigned to the USS Gandhi (NCC-26632), an Ambassador-class Starship, as Operations Officer.

Kromal quickly demonstrated his skill and capabilities to his superior officers and by mid-2370 at the age of 21 was promoted from Operations Officer to Assistant Chief Operations Officer. During this period Kromal made extensive time for his mate, Essanbet, and eventually by late 2370 had to take paternity leave to be with his mate during her egg laying. A week later he returned to duty and by the start of 2371 had to again take a week-long paternity leave for the hatching of his clutch. After returning, Kromal rededicated his efforts in earnest.

In early 2371, the Executive Officer of the USS Gandhi recommended Kromal for an open position of Chief Operations Officer on board the USS Ermiana (NCC-74538), a newly constructed Galaxy-class starship. The recommendation was approved by the commanding officer of the USS Ermiana, maintaining his rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade.

Strengths & Weaknesses Kromal is an excellent logistical thinker. His main focus is on stability, order, and reliability of his surroundings and capabilities. This often results in a few weaknesses when things get chaotic, however in recent years he has been able to properly think through situations to gain desired results.
Ambitions Kromal desires to continue to properly represent Clan Ezazzan in Starfleet. His main ambitions is to eventually reach Executive Officer. He hopes to gain the necessary experience to one day be capable of commanding his own starship.
Hobbies & Interests Kromal has a keen interest in cataloging nature. He often finds connections in both math and nature and uses these insights to find the order in the world. His favorite hobby is bird-watching. He has recently taken a keen interest in Earth-based paleontology studies, finding the period of the Dinosaurs in Earths ancient past to be of particular interest.

Personal History Kromal Gamal Ezazzan was born in late 2349 in a clutch of seven to father Erahlik Ghlin Ezazzan and mother Sreed Ezazzan at the Clan Ezazzan Sanctuary on the planet Skoleos. He was the chosen of his clutch to uphold the Clan Ezazzan tradition of representing the Clan to Starfleet and the Federation. As a result, his early years were spent in preparation for his expected role in Starfleet service. His father, Erahlik, took personal responsibility in tutoring his son both in starship engineering basics as well as logistics operations. His mother, Sreed, took the role as teacher and instructed Kromal on both Gorn and Federation history.

By the time of his hatching, both his mother and father were well over one-hundred years old. His father had served on the Constitution-class USS Midway (NCC-1743) in 2268 and several years onward. Erahlik started the Clan Ezazzan tradition of representing the Clan to Starfleet at the behest and expectation of his father, Teecus Tharr Ezazzan. His grandmother, Morsidrees, would only see limited service on a Clan-operated starship before committing herself to supporting and maintaining the Clan Sanctuary on Skoleos. Thanks to her efforts, the Clan would grow, both from new hatchlings and new additions to the Clan from outside the fold.

Originally a rift between Clan Ezazzan and the Gorn Hegemony had essentially exiled Clan Ezazzan from their ancestorial home. Erahlik's efforts effectively nullified the consequences of this rift, helping to support the firm establishment of a friendly Gorn presence in the Federation and an honorable transportation business in the form of the Ezazzan Trade Authority. While it would never be destined to become a popular and well-known transportation business, it would nevertheless have a reputation of being highly reliable and honest. This reputation would extent to all of Clan Ezazzan, opening doors in both Starfleet and the wider Federation, with most of the discontent of Gorn citizens dying away as relations between the Federation and the Hegemony warmed.

Kromals early years were spent under extreme education. His status as the chosen of the clutch to represent the Clan to Starfleet had placed an almost impossible expectation of the hatchling. Clan Ezazzan was not ignorant to the consequences of this, however, and all education in the early years of a clutch was shared equally. It was only when a hatchling would reach near the age of ten that parents could properly predict their possibilities. Kromals was evident the moment he was permitted on a Clan-owned starship, however, and much of his expectation turned to hope for him as he grew in understanding of his role and purpose in life. While many would stray from such of an outstanding position, Kromal did not and never shied from it.

His time within the Clan-owned fleet was not without purpose. He learned extensively and thanks to the well-informed and founded efforts of his clan, the support of his parents and grandparents, and the well-rounded education established at the Clan Sanctuary, Kromal was set up to succeed. By his time of entering Starfleet Academy, Kromal had high confidence in himself and his honorable purpose. This also assisted in him in personal matters, particularly those pertaining to his mate and partner, Sreed Ezazzan. The two would grow and bond to be very close and eventually have a clutch of their own. Clan traditions would continue in that clutch, with Kromals child Eradaar being the chosen and eventually continuing the Clan tradition in honorable earnest.

At the time of arriving on the USS Ermiana, Kromal would be a dedicated father and representative of Clan Ezazzan. He would also be fully committed to Starfleet and its values.
Service Record 2359 -- Ezazzan Trade Authority - USS Teelus - Antares-class Civilian Freighter; Engineer Recruit.

2362 -- Ezazzan Trade Authority - USS Sobus - Edward-class Civilian Freighter; Operations Officer.

2365 -- Accepted into Starfleet Academy; Operations Division Primary and Secondary in Engineering and Security.

2369(early) -- Graduated Starfleet Academy; Major in Operations with Minors in Engineering and Security; Rank of Ensign; Assigned to USS Hera (NCC-62006) Nebula-class Starship as Operations Officer.

2369(late) -- Promotion to Lieutenant, Junior Grade; Reassignment to USS Gandhi (NCC-26632) Ambassador-class Starship as Operations Officer.

2370 -- Promotion from Operations Officer to Assistant Chief Operations Officer.

2371 -- USS Gandhi (NCC-26632) Executive Officer Recommendation for Promotion and Reassignment; Accepted; Reassigned to USS Ermiana (NCC-74538) Galaxy-class Starship as Chief Operations Officer.